Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Reflection of the Semester

This past semester in English 102 has changed the way I view English. From the very first day of class I knew that I would be intellectually challenged in Mrs. Brady class. I have to admit I was kind of nervous because I am the kind of student that isn’t very outspoken. But that had to change if I was in Mrs. Brady’s class, I found that throughout the semester when I began to feel more comfortable with sharing my thoughts and ideas in Fishbowls or class lectures. There wasn’t a class that didn’t stimulate my brain and make me really think about ideas that I really wouldn’t put too much thought into. I constantly noticed that I began to think about everything in a more in-depth way. This class taught me so much about everything I don’t even know where to begin. I feel I am a better writer. I also know that in order to truly understand literature you sometimes have to write notes and interact with the literature as you read.

This whole class was amazing, I enjoyed it so much. I found myself excited to learn and discuss short stories and poems. I really like the idea that we posted on the blog because I feel like it makes what I have to say important. The blog also pushes you to excel it your writing because you know what you say anyone can excess. Another Great thing about this class was that it was very interactive. I got to here everyone numerous times through the semester. This interaction in class help me think and conceder concepts that I normally would not come up with on my own. There were just so many great things like the Fish Bowl where everyone got into a big circle and discus what they thought literature meant and how they interpreted things.

Everything that we discussed related to real life and this helped the topics become relatable. I would find myself thinking about topics we discussed in class when I was with my friends or even at work. I personally loved this because it made the class interesting to me. Mrs. Brady is a wonderful professor who changed the way I look and literature. I enjoyed this class so much that I made it a point to never be late or miss one class. I feel that what I have learned will help me with any career I choose. I would like to that you Mrs. Brady for everything you have taught me in this semester.


  1. Brandon!
    Your portfolio scream "post modernism" in a PHENOMENAL way!!!!!!

  2. You are certainly Welcome!! An absolute Pleasure!
